Eye Turns
December 3, 2015
You want the best for your child’s vision, whether it’s taking them for a routine eye exam or adding glasses to their wardrobe...
December 3, 2015
You want the best for your child’s vision, whether it’s taking them for a routine eye exam or adding glasses to their wardrobe...
November 17, 2015
There are multiple differences between medical and vision insurance, and knowing which will cover your eye exam, your glasses or contacts, or other eye care services can be confusing...
November 12, 2015
We’ve all heard an old wives tale or two about the crazy things that can happen to your eyes if you sit too close to the TV, or keep your eyes crossed for too long. But, is there any actual truth to these...
November 10, 2015
To show our appreciation to you, our wonderful patients and customers, on November 12, we will be having our “Thankful for You” sale! The sale is one day only and this year...
October 26, 2015
It’s a good question. In most cases it isn’t unusual for a child to become more and more nearsighted as they grow. But wouldn’t it be nice if we could slow it down...